이건 학교 교수님 중 한분이 학교 게시판에 올린 것이였다. 학생만 참여하는 것이 아니고 교수님이랑 팀을 이루어 참가하는 대회였다. 지원자가 없다고 해서 지원한 것인데...... 찾아가보니 벌써 한명이 왔었단다. 느낌에 이건 대학원 오는 사람을 우선으로 선발하는 듯 했다. 자비 부담이 약간 있어서 망설이면서 찾아간 건데 차라니 잘되었다 생각도 했지
Chair: Kang Park Myongji University, Korea, kang@mju.ac.kr
Kuang-Yuh Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jeng-Neng Fan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Sang Ho Park Chungnam University, Korea
Sang Won Lee, Creative Design Institute, Sungbunkwan University, Korea
Philosophy: There are many student design competitions these days, but most of them
emphasize the final design results, particularly technical completeness. As the most important
aspect of design learning is to go through the successive iterations of seeing, imagining and
drawing as Professor McKim of Stanford University described, a more creative student design
activity is to be designed so that students with diversity in many aspects can enjoy the whole
process of designing on the spot in a festival mood, not in a competition situation.
Multi-cultural Interdisciplinary Design Teams: About ten design teams of 4-5 students per
team will be composed reflecting their personal creativity modes, cultural background and
technical disciplines. For example, a team of one Singapore mechanical engineering student,
one Korea industrial engineering student, one Japanese psychology student and one Taiwanese
product design student could be formed.
Team Dynamics Workshop: To break the ice and to get the spirit of team-based design, a
simple teamwork workshop will be given to the students in the morning of Day 1.
Product-Service Systems Design Project: One or two design projects will be given to the
student teams in the morning of Day 1. The design task will be chosen so that socio-cultural
issues can be addressed with combination of product and service elements as a way to provide
potential solutions to such issues. The design task will emphasize identification of
user/consumer needs and wants as well as creative conceptual design solution. Also, quick
and simple prototypes are to be developed as a part of design process. Student teams will use
the remaining Day 1 and the morning and afternoon of Day 2 to conduct the design project.
Finale of the Design Festival: The final activity of the festival will be presentations of all
design teams in a festival atmosphere. As these presentations and hscussion will form a start
of their learning on team-based design, ample opportunities for heart-to-heart hscussions and
exchanges of ideas d l be given.
Place: The Student Design Festival activities d l be held at the National Taiwan University,
the venue of APEEC. Outdoor and Indoor spaces near to the APEEC activities WIU be wed.
Application Procedure: Applications for participation should be sent to the Chairman of
SDF, Professor Kang Park -.r17rh by March 17, 2009. Please note that the
room and board will be provided for parucipaung students by the National Taiwan University.
No other travel expenses WIU be provided by APEEC. Participating student selection results wrll
be announced by March 20, 2009.